Roman Music Therapy Services was extremely honored to receive the Peer Provider Award at the annual Provider’s Council Conference. Several RMTS team members attended and accepted the award on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
We were nominated for the award by our community partner, Bridgewell. Bridgewell’s CEO Chris Tuttle had incredibly kind words to say:
“Roman Music Therapy Services has been a true partner for Bridgewell. They have a remarkable way of getting our individuals engaged. They’ve opened up avenues of expression for our individuals and helped them connect with their peers and their staff….I’m very grateful for our relationship with Roman Music Therapy.”
We are honored.
Congratulations to all of the additional award recipients! It was an honor to share the stage with you.
And a special thank you goes out to The Provider’s Council, Bridgewell, Chris Tuttle, and award ceremony emcee, Vanessa Welch!