Navigating the Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Years with Music
You are never too young to be involved with, or respond to, the benefits of music making. Music helps build critical bonds between caregivers and their children and supports overall development, helping to build neural pathways and unlocking hidden potential. Before language skills are even developed, music can serve as a vehicle for communication with babies and toddlers.
The Benefits for Music Therapy Infants & Toddlers
Infants, toddlers and young children have fun engaging in music making that supports their emotional, social, cognitive and language development.
Creative early intervention strategies including music therapy programming can be used to successfully reach young children with identified developmental delays or other unique needs.
Without realizing it, infants benefit from specialized music experiences as it
- Increases expressive and communication skills
- Strengthens bonds between caregivers and children
- Boosts confidence in caregivers by providing support and knowledge of their child’s development in a music-based setting
Early Childhood Service Offerings
- Sprouting Melodies: Using songs, instrument play and movement, our weekly Sprouting Melodies classes encourage musical, social, physical and emotional growth for children across the developmental spectrum.
- Clinical Music Therapy: Music therapy sessions can be provided in conjunction with other early intervention therapies or pediatric therapies in both individual and group settings.
Contact us for more information about music in early childhood.