Shining as a beacon that fosters community, belonging, and well-being, Roman Music Therapy Services amplifies each individual’s wholeness and potential for healing and growth. We share our Culture Creed and experiences to inspire mission-driven organizations worldwide to invest in transformative collaboration.
We serve others through transformative, human-centered, music-making experiences and build strong foundations that focus on connection and community. Our clients, stakeholders and staff engage in meaningful experiences that translate to all environments and relationships.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
We are committed to our clients, and each other, to be a space where all voices are heard and appreciated for the unique songs they bring. We continue to work toward using music as a unifying force, amplifying our belief that we can all meet in the music, harmonizing no matter where we come from or how we identify.
Common Purpose
We create connections and build community through experiences of shared joy for people of all ages and abilities.
Our Values
Transformation – Seeking transformative experiences for our staff, our clients, their stakeholders and our communities.
Community – Creating welcoming and inclusive spaces that honor each person’s gifts, talents and potential.
- Welcoming
- Inclusive
- Accepting
Flexibility – Discovering creative solutions through continuous problem solving.
Integrity – With professionalism and courtesy, we practice integrity, ethical decision making and honesty.
Growth – Guided by an optimistic belief in our staff, clients, stakeholders and communities, we believe that everyone has the capacity to learn, develop and grow.
Leadership – Everyday leadership encourages all persons to develop leadership skills and explore their own vision for their life.
- Self-Direction
- Autonomy
- Initiative
How We Practice Our Values
Each and every one of us is called to be a leader at Roman Music Therapy Services and as leaders, we act from our values.
- We recognize and acknowledge clients and colleagues for their presence, contributions and gifts.
- We show up prepared and on time for clients, conversations and meetings.
- We take responsibility for our own well-being through an ongoing practice of self-care.
- We directly ask for what we need from others.
- We speak up and ask for help when we need it.
- We seek clarity if we are unclear about expectations.
- We seek out opportunities for personal and interpersonal growth.
- We give and receive feedback in a respectful and caring way at every opportunity.
- We ask “What’s Possible?” and invest time and energy in bringing solutions to the team.
- We seek out resources and support for ethical decision making.
- We are aware of our emotions and how they affect ourselves and others.
- We take responsibility for bringing hopeful and positive energy to the team and to our work.
- We include others and create space for every voice to be heard.
- We set and communicate appropriate goals for ourselves and others.
- We adapt, change and engage in conversations about moving the goal posts when necessary.
- We remember Rule #6 and recognize the need to not take ourselves so seriously.